Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sixth Post

I have to say today was a good day, packing for vacation and did a painting today! When the kids got home from school I noticed Conner was not acting right, (mind you he had strep throat last week) so Todd looked in his throat and YEP here we go again his tonsils were the size of Montana... so back to the Dr. hi ho hi ho.... he got his antibiotics in him, but will be staying home tomorrow with me. On the contrary we had a little snafooo this evening with Kayla... now let me just fill you in on a couple of rules we have at our house... the kids start off each week with $5.00 if the kids choose not to obey, or be kind or talk back or anything else we make up as we go along... they have to pay us some of that money, weather it be .25 or $1.00..... whatever they have left over at the end of the week they get to keep! Now tonight lets just say that kayla got her entire $5.00 taken away, so she will not be paid any $ this week...... so it started off like this.....
its shower night and the girls always fight over what shower they want (not sure why i mean both get the job done right?) but they do... so while we were sitting at dinner i came up with the clever idea of drawing for straws and whoever got the short straw go to pick what shower they wanted.. sounds reasonable and fair right?.. even both girls thought that would be fun...so i cut one of the straws and mix them up and they drew.. well guess who lost... yep Kayla.. you would have thought that her most favoriate shirt got a tear in it.... she threw that straw on the ground and jumping up and down crying and yelling... Emma and I just sat there and looked at each other like ..... you are kidding right?? It is so hard for me not to laugh when my kids act out.. maybe that makes me a bad mom, but i cant help it.. i laugh because I think about how silly this is.. so anyway she just could not get herself under control so i sent her up stairs, while she stomped up the stairs i looked at Emma and said... please dont ever do that.. her response was.."mommy, I would not do that" hahahah (she has before). Anyway I went upstairs and asked her if she was "done" and she said NO this is the way I act and this is ME.... I said well guess what... this is NOT the way you act and if you continue to act this way then you will have a consequence... you have already lost your entire $5.00 for the week and you are going to stay up stairs the rest of the evening and you can read or write....she was not happy but she read a ton of books. I asked her again if this was the correct way to act and she said.. NOOOOO... I asked her why she did it and she said she just could not control it... so needless to say we are working on SELF CONTROL this week!!! So i thought about why it was so hard for her to control her emotions over such a silly issue, but then I thought about how I can do the exact same thing over something so small..... conclusion is... I guess the Apple does not fall far from the tree ;)

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