Sunday, March 27, 2011

Forth Post

Well...I have to say for the girls first sleep over it was pretty fun, if you call having cheese sticks, mac and cheese and ice cream sundas and Ramona and Beezus FUN!! Although I do have to say it is quite interesting when other kids come over how I respond, there were a couple of times when I had to come in and tell them to quite down because they were getting a little loud and one of the girls (who was a guest) said... "we were not being loud".... ummmmmm, did a 7 year old just try to correct me and let me know that i am in the wrong? I politely said, "yes you are being a little loud I can hear you from 2 rooms away, if I can hear what you are saying, you are being a little too loud." She gave me a look as though.. she was not quite sure of the words that just came out of my mouth and as though I was speaking in another language. I walked away waiting to here her say something about me as though I was being a mean mom or something, but the laughing picked up right were it left off. As I went back to the other room I caught myself wondering if the girls were really being to loud, or was I being unreasonable? As I laughed at myself for even having that thought, it was time for me to go tell the girls it was quite time and time to lay down. I wondered how that was going to go over.... but as they settled in and made there beds on the couch and floor they were asleep within 15 min!
I wondered why that girl decided to question my authority and why i even questioned why i went in there to tell them they were being to loud? So I wondered, do all mom's have all this questioning going on when other kids try to question there authority?

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