Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day one of my blog/diary

Well today is my first day to write on my blog and as i sit with my computer on my lap I find my heart pounding a little quicker,this is nerve racking... i am not really sure why, but to actually write your words down and what you are thinking is hard at times.
My main goal for this blog is to write about being a mom and its challenges.. and also to challenge myself. I find that being a mom can be quite rewarding, but at times also quite mondaine, ie: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again... do you get where i am going with this...
kids wake up, you make them breakfast while they are all fighting up stairs to be quite because one of them is not ready to get out of bed, or that another child is yelling because someone turned on the hall light and it is WAY to bright, all the while i am standing in the kitchen just wondering who is going to come down first and tell me that they have nothing to wear and that they dont want what i made them for breakfast....whew... and this is only in the first 10 min of my alarm going off. It's only a mere 20 min. from when the kids get up to when they walk out the door for school, but those 20 min can sometimes be the most stressful everyday. When they walk out the door to catch the school bus i tend to sit and reflect and sip a few sips of coffee and just play back in my head what just happened...I sit and wonder sometimes , can a morning ever be peaceful?

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