Sunday, April 17, 2011

Eighth Post

I am back!! So sorry it has been almost 2 weeks.... its been crazy in the household.. Spring Break was a blast, back to reality was exciting also. There is something to be said for routine. As much as I complain out the same mondaine things, when we get away from them sometimes you dont realize how much you appreciate it. While we were away the kids went to bed late and then would STILL wake up early.. so you can imagine how the days went.. it went really well the first couple of days, then the lack of sleep crept in and took over like a tsunami... and it kept going. so by the end of the week we were back to going to bed semi early to get back into the swing of things. With all that said.. i was happy to get back into a "routine"! So it makes me wonder... is it just the thought of being a mom that wants to always be on the go go go, or is there something being said for liking the routine, and being a stay at home family? not sure, but i have to say i am kinda both and right now.. i am ok with that!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

seventh post

Well every day this week I have had a child home from school because they are sick ;(. Conner has strep again and I got a call from school that Kayla had a temp of 103, so needless to say i needed to go pick her up ASAP they also informed me that she is not allowed to come back to school tomorrow since she has to be fever free for 24 hrs. When we got in the car I smiled and said, " well I guess your spring break starts today".... she was NOT happy.. she said, "what do you mean? I cant go to school tomorrow". The tears started to flow.... I was really shocked because I remember at her age I was pulling a Ferris buller and putting the thermometer on the light to get to stay home, what is it with all my kids and crying when they have to miss school? I mean they all truly get upset.... This is all very foreign to me.... but I must commend them all for wanting to be at school.. they all had perfect attendance all year and now.... yeah not so much... its ok though i dont think it will show on there transcripts, RIGHT?? Anyway, tomorrow is a day full of cleaning and packing then we are off the Beautiful Tennessee, deep in the mountains! So my blogs will be far and few for the next week...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sixth Post

I have to say today was a good day, packing for vacation and did a painting today! When the kids got home from school I noticed Conner was not acting right, (mind you he had strep throat last week) so Todd looked in his throat and YEP here we go again his tonsils were the size of Montana... so back to the Dr. hi ho hi ho.... he got his antibiotics in him, but will be staying home tomorrow with me. On the contrary we had a little snafooo this evening with Kayla... now let me just fill you in on a couple of rules we have at our house... the kids start off each week with $5.00 if the kids choose not to obey, or be kind or talk back or anything else we make up as we go along... they have to pay us some of that money, weather it be .25 or $1.00..... whatever they have left over at the end of the week they get to keep! Now tonight lets just say that kayla got her entire $5.00 taken away, so she will not be paid any $ this week...... so it started off like this.....
its shower night and the girls always fight over what shower they want (not sure why i mean both get the job done right?) but they do... so while we were sitting at dinner i came up with the clever idea of drawing for straws and whoever got the short straw go to pick what shower they wanted.. sounds reasonable and fair right?.. even both girls thought that would be i cut one of the straws and mix them up and they drew.. well guess who lost... yep Kayla.. you would have thought that her most favoriate shirt got a tear in it.... she threw that straw on the ground and jumping up and down crying and yelling... Emma and I just sat there and looked at each other like ..... you are kidding right?? It is so hard for me not to laugh when my kids act out.. maybe that makes me a bad mom, but i cant help it.. i laugh because I think about how silly this is.. so anyway she just could not get herself under control so i sent her up stairs, while she stomped up the stairs i looked at Emma and said... please dont ever do that.. her response was.."mommy, I would not do that" hahahah (she has before). Anyway I went upstairs and asked her if she was "done" and she said NO this is the way I act and this is ME.... I said well guess what... this is NOT the way you act and if you continue to act this way then you will have a consequence... you have already lost your entire $5.00 for the week and you are going to stay up stairs the rest of the evening and you can read or write....she was not happy but she read a ton of books. I asked her again if this was the correct way to act and she said.. NOOOOO... I asked her why she did it and she said she just could not control it... so needless to say we are working on SELF CONTROL this week!!! So i thought about why it was so hard for her to control her emotions over such a silly issue, but then I thought about how I can do the exact same thing over something so small..... conclusion is... I guess the Apple does not fall far from the tree ;)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Fifth Post

My morning started at 3am today.. and you know what kinda day that can lead too.....My poor baby girl Emma woke up with a fever of 102.00, she was soo sweet and said something that melted my heart.. when she comes in dragging her pillow and blankey she says.. sorry mommy i was up at 1am but knew you were still asleep and did want to wake you up, but i could not wait any longer.... really??? I felt so bad, I took her downstairs and gave her Tylenol and a drink. I felt bad that she waited for 2 hrs in her bed because she didn't want to wake me up ;(. Anyway, Conner and Kayla went to school while Emma and I stayed home and watched movies and played a couple games, I secretly have to say we actually had a great relaxing day and I thought about keeping each kid home individual every once in awhile.... So as the day went on the phone rang about 1:20 and it was the school nurse saying that Kayla said that she did not feel very well and that she does NOT have temperature but would like to come home. So the nurse asked if I wanted to talk to kayla and I said yes, as Kayla gets on the phone I asked her what was wrong and if she could wait one more hour until school was over.... well that was NOT an option, as the nurse got back on the phone she said... she might be having sympathy pains for Emma.... so I get Emma in the car and we drive over to the school to get her... immediately Kayla gets in the car and asks what we have been doing all day, as Emma fills her in I am thinking that she is looking and acting just fine... hmmm... but i wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, the true test will be if she comes in and lays on the couch... yeah that DID NOT happen, she went right up stairs and got her PJ'S on (because we had ours on) and then got a puzzle out of the closet and started working on it. Ohhh my, so I said, "kayla, how are you feeling, I think she realized that she was not playing the SICK role well enough.... so I told her to get her folder out and do her homework and that she had to read. I think she realized that this was not going to be as fun as she thought! It made me laugh that she wanted to be a part of what we were doing at home and I wondered if she thought about that all day while she was at school. Do you think twins have a sick sense about each other? I have tried my best to have my girls stand on there own two feet and not rely on each other (too much) and to make there own decisions, and I do have to say they are night and day personality wise, but they are still identical twins.... so I thought will they always wonder about each other, or always compare themselves to each other? My goal for all my kids is to be strong, independent, and go on this path called LIFE and find out who they really are with guidance from God and Todd and I, and if I can do that they we succeeded!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Forth Post

Well...I have to say for the girls first sleep over it was pretty fun, if you call having cheese sticks, mac and cheese and ice cream sundas and Ramona and Beezus FUN!! Although I do have to say it is quite interesting when other kids come over how I respond, there were a couple of times when I had to come in and tell them to quite down because they were getting a little loud and one of the girls (who was a guest) said... "we were not being loud".... ummmmmm, did a 7 year old just try to correct me and let me know that i am in the wrong? I politely said, "yes you are being a little loud I can hear you from 2 rooms away, if I can hear what you are saying, you are being a little too loud." She gave me a look as though.. she was not quite sure of the words that just came out of my mouth and as though I was speaking in another language. I walked away waiting to here her say something about me as though I was being a mean mom or something, but the laughing picked up right were it left off. As I went back to the other room I caught myself wondering if the girls were really being to loud, or was I being unreasonable? As I laughed at myself for even having that thought, it was time for me to go tell the girls it was quite time and time to lay down. I wondered how that was going to go over.... but as they settled in and made there beds on the couch and floor they were asleep within 15 min!
I wondered why that girl decided to question my authority and why i even questioned why i went in there to tell them they were being to loud? So I wondered, do all mom's have all this questioning going on when other kids try to question there authority?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Third Post

I had my post all together last night and as I was writing the last sentence the entire thing erased....I guess everyone else was not supposed to hear what I wanted to talk about. So ... yeah it's Saturday and as visions of Spring Break dance in my head, I am embarking on a new adventure for toinght.... I am letting each of the girls have a friend spend the night... hahhahhah.. ohhh myyyyy.... now this will be interesting. This is pretty much there first "real sleepover" so as we were planning out how the night was going to go and what we were going to make for dinner and dessert, Emma and Kayla kept going in and out side and finally I asked... why do you keep going in and out... Emma explains they are planning a fire safety drill. I was really excited for her to take the initiative to do that, then it hit me... 2 other 7 year old girls are spending the night tonight.... wait..... why would she be making a fire safety plan?????? What do you think Emma and Kayla's plans are tonight??? Do you think we are all thinking it is going to go the same way? Needless to say I will be watching the girls very close tonight!;) As I sit and wait for there friends to get her I remember having sleep overs all the time with friends and how much fun it was and how innocent we were at that age, not to have a care in the world, but to be in that moment with your girlfriends. Anticipation of them getting here is getting the best of the girls since they keep coming in every 5 min asking how much longer until they get here. Am I ready for 4 screaming hyper active girls to take over my house, all i have to say is that I am thankful Todd and Conner are camping tonight out in the peaceful woods... watching a campfire glowing in the dark with the sounds of chirping birds and the trees swaying back and forth.... ohhh wait.. back to reality, I have to get my ear plugs and coffee ready for tonight!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Second Post

One would have thought that one of my kids hacked my computer.. figured out i was writing a blog and read the blog, then had a meeting about it with there brother and sister..... as my alarm barks at me at 7:00am the hall light comes on before I can sing rise and shine to wake up the kids. Then you would not believe what i hear.... LAUGHING!! whaaaaatttt??? While i am still laying in bed Emma comes in fully dressed and is smiling from ear to ear because her sister told her that she was going to pick her as her guest for her reward at school, they get to watch a movie during lunch and eat in the class room! Wait... i squeegee my eyes and think.... am i still dreaming?? Did she just tell me that Kayla is picking Emma out of all of her friends to eat lunch with her, mind you they are not even in the same class....WOW, was today going to be the day? Was I going to get Peace this morning??? As the girls skip down stairs laughing, giggling,being sweet to each other and writing notes to each other that say they love each other... reality sets in...Conner walks down the steps and says... I DONT WANT THAT FOR BREAKFAST! I just had to laugh out loud, which made him even more mad.... i could not help it... i was not sure what i was expecting, but the morning was going great compared to others! Needless to say the morning went pretty smooth, I would be happy if that happened again tomorrow! So as the kids walk out the door and i sit and sip my coffee i thought about what a difference a day can make and what a great day the girls were going to have and how happy they were when they walked out the door! All in all Conner was pretty happy this morning also. So as thoughts were flooding my head about what i needed to do for the day and what my kids day was going to be like, one thought came to me.... Why do we wake up some days ready to take on the world and some days it is hard to even say a nice word?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day one of my blog/diary

Well today is my first day to write on my blog and as i sit with my computer on my lap I find my heart pounding a little quicker,this is nerve racking... i am not really sure why, but to actually write your words down and what you are thinking is hard at times.
My main goal for this blog is to write about being a mom and its challenges.. and also to challenge myself. I find that being a mom can be quite rewarding, but at times also quite mondaine, ie: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again... do you get where i am going with this...
kids wake up, you make them breakfast while they are all fighting up stairs to be quite because one of them is not ready to get out of bed, or that another child is yelling because someone turned on the hall light and it is WAY to bright, all the while i am standing in the kitchen just wondering who is going to come down first and tell me that they have nothing to wear and that they dont want what i made them for breakfast....whew... and this is only in the first 10 min of my alarm going off. It's only a mere 20 min. from when the kids get up to when they walk out the door for school, but those 20 min can sometimes be the most stressful everyday. When they walk out the door to catch the school bus i tend to sit and reflect and sip a few sips of coffee and just play back in my head what just happened...I sit and wonder sometimes , can a morning ever be peaceful?